Powerful water documentary has global premiere
Executive Producer, Paul O’Callaghan opens the documentary in Paramount Theatre, Hollywood Dec 16. 2019
Liam Neeson narrated Brave Blue World shown to international water community
Uplifting stories of innovation and problem-solving inspires audience
Grassroots screenings scheduled before European premiere
Global water leaders, innovators and activists gathered for the world premiere of Brave Blue World, the powerful documentary that aims to change people’s perception of our most precious – water.
The world’s first screening of the stunning, 50-minute documentary, narrated by Liam Neeson, was met with rapturous applause at the blue carpet event held at the Paramount Theatre, Los Angeles.
More than 200 supporters and guests from the corporate world, environmental NGOs, charities, impact investors, utilities and film and media representatives joined the celebrations, raising a glass of beer – made from recycled wastewater - to toast the milestone.
Brave Blue World crosses five continents and features a diverse range of innovation, from a NASA research centre that reveals how water is recycled in space and a textile plant in India that is meeting 90% of its water needs from recycled water, to the world’s largest algae-powered wastewater treatment plant in Spain and a children’s home in Kenya where 50 litres of water a day is being provided from humidity in the air, thanks to the work of pioneer Beth Koigi, founder of Majik Water.
Executive producer Paul O’Callaghan and director and producer Tim Neeves, founder of production company Prospect Arts, were among panellists at a post-screening Q&A.
O’Callaghan said: “The Brave Blue World premiere saw a unique and diverse gathering of friends, new and old, come together to unite around a common goal - to use the power of storytelling to drive positive change in water. It was a fitting way to conclude one part of our journey and begin another. I felt very proud to have reached this milestone and am grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people.”
Neeves said: “We believe that everyone should have the right to safe drinking water and sanitation, yet that is still not a reality for many in our world today. As we saw during the journey of making this film, there is hope and we can all play our part.”
Walt Marlowe, executive director of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), one of Brave Blue World’s supporting partners, said: “It is important to convey a sense of hope and spirit of optimism for water and that is why WEF is thrilled to be a production partner for Brave Blue World.
“By showing a path to a sustainable water future, Brave Blue World can help us influence leaders, increase resources, change policies, and improve stewardship of water.”
The documentary struck a powerful chord with the audience. Sally Gutierrez, from the US Environmental Protection Agency, said: “I loved the approach. The film is about how leaders around the globe in their own unique ways are solving water problems - which is where the action needs to be. How do we effectively and forever solve this problem?
“When I looked at it, I really thought ‘wow how many solutions are out there?’ There are so many dimensions to these water problems, we just need to give it more attention and try to continue to bring water into mainstream conversation. It’s a strategic national security issue for every country on this planet.”
Brave Blue World will be shown at a variety of screenings, from utilities, to universities and corporations. If you would like to host your own local screening, go to: https://www.braveblue.world/host-a-screening
A European premiere is being planned for 2020. Details will be announced soon.
Brave Blue World has been made in association with Prospect Arts production company and:
Partners – WEF, DuPont Water Solutions, SUEZ, L’Oreal and Xylem
Impact partners - Water.org, Water Alliance, Aqualia and 501cTHREE
View the official trailer
Some moments captured at the global premiere
The global water community gathers at the Paramount Theatre for the blue carpet premiere of Brave Blue World.
Kimberly Kupiecki, Global Leader Sustainability, Advocacy, Communications DuPont Water Solutions at DuPont with Travis Loop, Director of Communications at Water Environment Federation (WEF).
Members of Brave Blue World team celebrate the first screening of the powerful documentary.
From Left to Right: Tim Neeves, Director, Aoife Kelleher, Assistant Producer & Lead Researcher, Tom Freyberg, Media & Comm’s, Travis Loop, MC Host, Sarah Condon, Executive Assistant, and Paul O’Callaghan, Executive Producer.
The premiere’s after-party gave the global water community a chance to connect
EPA’s Sally Gutierrez agrees water needs to become mainstream
Press enquiries to:
Leilah Nicola, WiseOnWater
E: leilah@wiseonwater.com
M: +44 (0)7464 262555
Issued on behalf of:
BlueTech Research
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