Lily Chen Lily Chen

Our Blue World: A Love Letter to Water Through Film

This is a conversation with the creator of "Our Blue World: A Water Odyssey" at the Colorado Environmental Film Festival. The discussion explores the film's philosophy, aiming to inspire a deeper personal connection with water and promote proactive solutions to water-related challenges. Executive Producer Paul O'Callaghan aimed to evoke empathy and a sense of valuing water, hoping to inspire local engagement. They discuss the film's multi-year production, its structure which weaves together global stories, and challenges in crafting an interconnected narrative. The conversation also highlights the film's positive, action-oriented message. Sophia Donskoi details the film's impact campaign, focused on education, community engagement, and fostering "constructive hope", while Paul O'Callaghan shares advice for aspiring environmental filmmakers.

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Lily Chen Lily Chen

When Reel Meets Real: Our Blue World Protagonists Unite for Water Conservation

When documentary meets reality: Two water sustainability champions featured in "Our Blue World" have moved from sharing screen time to sharing ideas in Beijing. Li An Phoa of Drinkable Rivers and Professor Kongjian Yu of Turenscape recently united to explore collaborative approaches to water conservation, proving that environmental filmmaking can spark real-world change. Their groundbreaking meeting bridges Eastern and Western perspectives on water management, while demonstrating how "Our Blue World" is not just documenting the movement for water conservation—it's actively shaping it.

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Lily Chen Lily Chen

Our Blue World: A Water Odyssey Landmark film tells compelling human story of water. 

Actor Liam Neeson voices the narration for Our Blue World, and the stories are told from the perspective of people who have had transformational journeys around water. The movie also looks back to engineering marvels that sustained civilizations for thousands of years, and explores the many ways modern countries are managing water and what they can learn from their ancestors.  

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Lily Chen Lily Chen

Can we live on just 50 liters a day?

Imagine a world where a city runs out of water. This wasn't science fiction for Cape Town, South Africa in 2018. Due to overextraction of groundwater, millions faced "Day Zero," where taps would run dry.

Inspired by Cape Town's struggle, Franz Beznik founded the 50 Litre Home Coalition. This collaboration aims to create water-saving designs and products for our homes. The average person uses 250 liters daily, but the coalition envisions a future where we thrive on just 50 liters per person.

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